Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Beyond the Binary: Using Inclusive, Non-Gendered Language in Bodywork

Disclaimer: all content written and hosted on this website is the express opinion of Bethany Ingraham and does not necessarily reflect those of any past, present, or future employers. Trans rights are human rights. Nazi punks, fuck off.

In regards to the United States in 2025:

A still image from the Avengers movie with Nick Fury saying, "I recognize that the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it." End ID.

"No one else should be allowed to determine one’s gender. It cannot be measured, assessed or diagnosed. Every person is entitled to their own identity." (via Transgender Europe, TGEU, Guidelines to Human Rights-Based Trans-Specific Healthcare, 2019.)

I'm not The Most Qualified Person(TM) to speak on this subject, but the LGBTQ+ community has been a special interest of mine since I was a Millennial teenager. I struggled with finding and forming my own identity for many reasons, and this community was one that felt the most accepting at the time.

As the person with seemingly the most lived experience in my limited social and professional circles, I have found that many people around me aren't as well-versed in the lingo as I am, particularly when it comes to the care and treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals -- and especially when it comes to transgender and gender diverse people.

Some basic definitions:

  • Gender Identity: a person's core understanding of their own gender.
  • Physical Sex: the development and changes of a person's body over their lifespan, as affected by their sex chromosomes, hormones, reproductive organs, secondary sex characteristics, related medical care, etc. 
  • Assigned Sex at Birth: sometimes based on the set of observable physical characteristics of an individual (phenotype). Some people believe there are strictly two options (male or female) but biology isn't always so clear and simple.
  • Transgender/Trans: people whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth.
  • Cisgender: people whose gender identity does match their assigned sex at birth.
  • Intersex: people born with sex characteristics, such as chromosomes, gonads, and/or genitals, that don't fit the "typical binary notions of male or female bodies." These people are often subjected to medical interventions at birth with lifelong consequences.
  • Gender Expression: "all the ways a person communicates their gender, including clothing, voice, mannerisms, names, pronouns, etc. Norms for gender expression vary culturally, generationally, spiritually, regionally, and between communities and peer groups." (via Trans Care BC's "Exploring Gender Diversity" handout.) Therefore, what's "traditional" for one group of people may not be the tradition of another.
A more comprehensive resource of definitions is this brilliant .PDF Document: Gender-Affirming Language, curated by Co-led authors: Bri Guillory, OTD, Boston University and Lili Rafalski, OTD, Emory & Henry College; Capstone Students; hosted by the American Occupational Therapy Association.

I don't have a lot of my own definitions and explanations for "what does this concept mean and why?" This post isn't meant to be all-inclusive (ha!) and cover everything there is to know on all the subjects. Originally, this was meant to provide guidance for, "how do we teach bodywork with non-gendered terms?" and I will come back to that.

One thing we're not going to use is the phrase "Biological Sex," as in, "biological men have ABC features and biological women have XYZ features." This is sometimes called biological determinism or genetic determinism: "the belief that human behavior is directly controlled by an individual's genes or some component of their physiology." Simply put: it is related to eugenics and scientific racism.
"'Biological Sex' -- common in scientific writing as a synonym for birth sex, natal sex, or assigned sex at birth. Outside of medical literature, 'assigned sex at birth' is preferable over 'biological sex'. Avoid using 'biological' in reference to people, rather than in broad references to the concept of biological sex. Noun phrases like biological men, biological males, biological women, or biological females are often used by anti-trans groups to invoke a person's assigned sex at birth as their 'real' gender, in contrast to their gender identity." - From TGEU's Trans Media Guide.
Usually I would save all of my resources to the end of a post, but many of these have been fundamental in my writing. Please consult these reputable resources to bolster your understanding:
  • Trans Care BC -- a provincial clinical program operated by the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) in British Columbia, Canada. "We work with our partners to set direction and provide leadership for trans health services across B.C. Our work helps ensure trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people get the care they need when and where they need it." 
    • I highly recommend their Education Centre which features webinars, eCourses, and free downloadable .PDF handouts on Exploring Gender Diversity, Gender Inclusive Language, and Making Mistakes.
  • TransHub, "an initiative from ACON, NSW’s leading health organisation specialising in community health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders."
  • TGEU (Trans Europe and Central Asia) -- "a trans-led nonprofit for the rights and wellbeing of trans people in Europe and Central Asia."
    • Check out their publication of "Trans Rights Are Human Rights: Dismantling Misconceptions About Gender, Gender Identity & the Human Rights of Trans People" here.
    • I also recommend the "Trans Media Guide: A Community-informed, Inclusive Guide for Journalists, Editors & Content Creators" here -- it has a brief glossary of terms at the end. 
  • World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) -- a 501(c)(3) non-profit, interdisciplinary professional and educational organization devoted to transgender health. "Our professional, supporting, and student members engage in academic research to develop evidence-based medicine and strive to promote a high quality of care for transsexual, transgender, and gender-nonconforming individuals internationally."
    • While it's a long read, I recommend skimming over their highly detailed Standards of Care (SOC) document: "These internationally accepted guidelines are designed to promote the health and welfare of transgender, transsexual and gender variant persons in all cultural settings."

Bodywork Education

"And so, life in the Shire goes on, very much as it has this past Age… full of its own comings and goings, with change coming slowly, if it comes at all." - Bilbo Baggins, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
One of the biggest issues with traditional brick-and-mortar education is that many institutions still rely on physical, printed textbooks and publications. They are expensive. They fall out-of-date quickly, and updating and verifying written information takes time. Bias happens. Photography is an additional expense and doesn't always feature a variety of body types.

So, for those of us who want to embrace diversity and be inclusive in our teaching materials, what do we do? 

When it is brought up in a classroom setting and it is a resource outside of your control, acknowledge the things that are problematic. Affirm that feedback will be or has been heard and given to the correct people. Apologize (briefly) for genuine mistakes. Express gratitude for the opportunity to learn! Request patience and grace. Carry on with the lesson as best you can, offering adjustments and accommodations where appropriate.

If you are teaching anatomy and physiology, you may run into issues around discussing reproductive system anatomy and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Again, textbooks will often still focus on the "male reproductive system" versus the "female reproductive system," without consideration of the percentage of intersex individuals who have a mixture -- or lack -- of features of either one.

Be proactive -- if you recognize that a resource is lacking in representation or information, plan to supplement the information you're sharing. It may take a little extra effort, but it will be appreciated.


Okay, but how do we actually talk about bodies and prepare to treat transgender and gender diverse students and clients respectfully? The simplest way is to use anatomic, gender-neutral terms. When appropriate, you can consider using the following standard of care:
"Statement 1.3  We recommend health care professionals discuss with transgender and gender diverse people what language or terminology they prefer. In providing health care to TGD [transgender and gender diverse] people, we recommend [healthcare providers] discuss with their patients what language or terminology they prefer be used when referring to them. This discussion includes asking TGD people how they would like to be addressed in terms of name and pronouns, how they self-identify their gender, and about the language that should be used to describe their body parts. Utilizing affirming language or terminology is a key component of TGD-affirming care (Lightfoot et al., 2021; Vermeir et al., 2018). [...] In electronic health records, organ/anatomical inventories can be standardly used to inform appropriate clinical care, rather than relying solely on assigned sex at birth and/ or gender identity designations." -- WPATH Standards of Care (SOC) document
Chest and abdominal massage, specifically, already holds a lot of emotions around it due to our Western society. This is sometimes compounded by gendered language and routines designed specifically "for men" and "for women." In these cases, it can be helpful to simplify routines and drop such distinctions altogether. 

In my personal notes regarding chest massage, I list the following points:
  • Do not assume based on gender perception/presentation.
  • Use anatomic, gender-neutral terms and language.
  • Do not make comments about a person's body, even if you intend it to be a compliment.
One practice you might consider is to drape all chests the same way, regardless of presence or amount of breast tissue. Breast tissue massage is an advanced technique that requires continuing education; it is not something that was taught at my school. For people who have received chest surgeries, they may require specific bolstering to be comfortable or may have to receive work in side-lying instead of prone. Have strategies for this and remember to practice!

Another area to think about is draping and treating the legs in a way that is comfortable for all bodies. When it comes to performing psoas or adductor work, consider saying, "If you have external genitals, you can move them aside." Again, it's important to not make assumptions about a client's body based on their gender presentation. Saying these things out-loud can feel awkward at first -- that's why you need to practice saying them in an assured, confident way.

In Polarity Therapy, we discuss the "inner male" and "inner female." Personally, I prefer to discuss the inner masculine and inner feminine qualities of a person. Others will discuss Yin & Yang. You will find the terms that best fit you and your own spiritual practices.

Finally, I highly recommend checking out and printing TransHub's .PDF document: "Trans-Affirming Clinical Language." It contains many helpful suggestions in setting a welcoming tone, discussing reproductive anatomy, and how to address "specific needs, rather than making assumptions."

Questions & Intakes

While we are not considered primary healthcare providers, there are questions we should ask to ensure a client's comfort and safety within our practice.

Slide reads: "Abandon your assumptions: providing positive support for all pregnant persons. Not all pregnant people are women: trans men, non-binary, genderfluid, agender, etc.; may not feel safe 'outing' themselves at a first visit; build trust, provide opportunity for them to share.  Are married or have a partner: may be single by choice or by circumstance; may have multiple partners (e.g. polyamory).  Are carrying for themselves such as gestational surrogacy.  Have a strong, positive social support system." End ID.

Are you pregnant? Not all pregnant people are cisgender women; pregnant individuals can be trans men, non-binary, genderfluid, agender, etc. Educate your clients on how bodywork can affect pregnancies.

Any recent surgeries or implanted devices? You don't need to know the specifics -- you need to know how far along post-surgery or -treatment they are and if their medical providers have cleared them for receiving bodywork. Some surgeries and treatments may include mastectomy, breast augmentation/implants, facial masculinization or feminization surgeries, body masculinization surgeries, Adam's apple reduction, etc. Cisgender individuals also receive these gender-affirming surgeries and treatments. Typical post-surgical precautions will apply.

Are you receiving any Hormone Replacement Therapies? If so, how? Gender-affirming masculinizing or feminizing hormone therapies can be received topically (on/through the skin), through oral medication, or via injection, so it's important for us to know for our client's wellbeing and also our own. Remember, Hormone Replacement Therapy is often used for folks (both cisgender and transgender) who are experiencing symptoms of menopause.

Have your providers discussed any concerns about your cardiovascular or bone health? If not, then proceed with the rest of your intake. As for why it matters: "Estrogen and testosterone both support bone formation and turnover. Decreased sex hormone levels are associated with a greater risk of osteoporosis in older age (Almeida et al., 2017)." - WPATH Standards of Care (SOC) document. If your client is at risk of osteoporosis, you would need to consider using precautions in their treatment.

Other Considerations & Final Thoughts

While you might not want to ask specific questions, pay attention if a student or client discloses information about their mental health and whether they feel safe in their home and community. You may need to refer them to supportive resources and providers.

Provide sanitary products in your restroom(s). It's a small detail that can make a world of difference.

If you want to create an environment and a practice that is more inclusive, you will need to put in the time and the work to do your own research. This post barely scratches the surface of the issues facing the small percentage of the population that falls outside the gender binary.

I want to reiterate that mistakes will happen, particularly if this is all new language to you. You don't need to know all of the language -- you will likely be taught in-the-moment. Be sure to not only apologize for your mistakes, but also express gratitude for the opportunity to learn. 

However: when someone is purposefully malicious in disrespecting an individual's gender identity and expression, especially after their wishes have been communicated, that is harassment

Above all else: treat all individuals with dignity and respect. 

(I can't believe this is a revolutionary concept in the year 2025, but here we are.)

Other Resources:

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Side-Quests for Setting Goals & Increasing Productivity

There are no affiliate links on this post.

Screenshots from Ali Abdaal's "How To Actually Achieve Your Goals in 2025" Video.

"We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience." - John Dewey

"New Year, Same Me, New Possibilities" - Prompts for Self-Reflection:

  • "20__ was the year that I..."
  • My Highlights & Accomplishments
  • My Top 3 Favorite Memories
  • "What is the identity I want to take on in the new year?"
  • "My word(s) of the year is/are..."
  • "What would you be excited to wake up and do every day?"

Suggested Life Pie/Life Wheel/Fulfillment Snapshot Categories:

  • Personal Growth, Learning, & Adventure
  • Play, Fun, & Recreation
  • Family, Friends, Romance, & Community
  • Career & Work
  • Health & Fitness/Exercise
  • Money & Finances
  • Environment
  • Spirituality

"Things I Have to Do" / "Things I Want to Do" / "Things Other People Want Me to Do"

  • How important is it? Is it vital or necessary? 
  • Is there a way to turn a "Have To" into a "Choose to?" What choices can you make around your approach? (Taking ownership of a process helps to increase one's sense of control, power, and capability, affirming one's autonomy.)
  • What is the purpose (the why) behind a task or objective? 
  • What is the end result (the what) that you or someone else is aiming for? 
  • What are the key tasks -- clear, simple, actionable steps -- you feel should be taken to accomplish this task or objective? 
  • When in your immediate schedule can you make intentions to work on these tasks? ("If X happens, then I will Y.")

Other Unorganized Suggestions:

  • Track your use of time. 
  • Practice saying “No,” especially when other people are spending your time.
  • Find Accountability Partners – Facebook Groups, Text Loops, Email Loops, etc.
    • General Support
    • Task Completion
    • Getting to Destinations On Time
  • Identify 3 ways that you sabotage yourself.
  • Write down everything you do that creates value in the universe for one day.
  • Take a written inventory of all the larger things you have accomplished in your life.
  • Figure out if you are a starter or a finisher. Find strategies to balance out your shortcomings.
  • A Daily Wins or "Ta Da!" List: Identify and celebrate small wins and accomplishments, no matter how small. This will boost your confidence, your sense of satisfaction, help to build momentum, and help to generate interest. Sharing success stories with others can help to reshape perceptions and counter some negativity.
  • Make progress visible -- keep up the streak.
  • Consider: "Is this in alliance with my values?" vs. "How will this make me look in the eyes of other people?"
  • Is Your Goal a SMART(ER) Goal?
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Realistic
    • Time-lined
    • Enthusiastic
    • Rewarding

Atomic Habits (James Clear):

  • "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."
  • "With an identity-based approach, we start by focusing on who we wish to become, not what we want to achieve."
  • "Who is the type of person you want to become? What is one habit that casts a small vote for becoming that type of person?"
    • “I’m the type of person who [your desired identity]. The habit I’ll be focusing on is [habit that reinforces your desired identity].”
  • Determine a scaled-down, two-minute version of the habit you want to build and begin to master the art of showing up. That two-minute habit should be the smallest version of your habit that reinforces your desired identity. 
    • “The two-minute version of my habit is: ________________.”
  • Create an implementation intention that is specific and clear: “I will [behavior] at [time] in [location].” ("If X happens, then I will Y.")

Success Frames (Rob Hatch):

  • "What did it look like when things went well? How can I replicate it?"
  • What do you need to be successful? What do you need to perform at your best? (Conditions & Environment)
  • "Our priorities emerge from our values."
  • Test ideas now, in their simplest forms, and build on what works:
    • What did we learn?
    • What would we do differently?
    • What ideas can we test next time?

Feel Good Productivity (Ali Abdaal):

  • "When we're in a positive mood, we tend to consider a broader range of actions, be more open to new experiences, and better integrate the information we receive. In other words, feeling good boosts our creativity -- and our productivity."
  • "Success doesn't lead to feeling good. Feeling good leads to success."
  • "When we feel bad we achieve less."
  • "What would this look like if it were fun?"
  • "What am I afraid of? Where does this fear come from?"
  • 10-10-10 Rule:
    • "Will this matter in 10-minutes?"
    • "Will this matter in 10-weeks?"
    • "Will this matter in 10-years?"
  • NICE Goals:
    • Near-Term - daily/weekly
    • Input-Based - focusing on the process, the "here and now" actions
    • Controllable - genuinely within our control and realistic
    • Energizing - facilitating play, power, and people
  • Schedule Time to Do Nothing: "Breaks aren't a special treat. They're an absolute necessity."
  • Forgive Yourself: "I didn't do Y, but I did do Z."

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tips for Online Classes & Meetings

a person sitting at a desk with a laptop
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Technology has created more opportunities for people all around the world to communicate and share knowledge face-to-face, even when they are miles apart.

Since 2020, I have taught and watched hours upon hours of online lecture and theory classes, with very specific guidelines and expectations -- often dictated by an outside, faceless bureau. Holding students to such high standards helps to make them exceptional, but sometimes they need a little extra help to get there. I am especially sympathetic for neurodivergent folks and those living with chronic pain and illnesses.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or just interested in trying out and improving your participation in online classes and meetings, here is some advice.

Technology Considerations:

  • High-speed internet is going to make your experience a lot smoother and reduce headaches. Mid-level internet will probably be okay.
  • While mobile devices can seem convenient, not all devices and meeting software(s) will cooperate well together. I really recommend using a mobile device in conjunction with a laptop or desktop computer -- one can be your camera source while the other can be used to view slideshows and participate in chat or other activities.
  • Mobile devices, in general, are distracting and may turn off your camera when notifications and text messages come through or when attempting to bring up other resources and activities.
  • Have a single, stable set-up for your camera. If you're trying to hold your phone in your hand while moving all over the place, it's distracting and nauseating for the viewer.
  • Double-check that your devices, programs, apps, and any other tools are up-to-date and have been recently restarted. This will reduce the likelihood that these things will try to update or restart themselves mid-class or mid-meeting.
  • If your internet connection is unstable, make sure that you have only the most necessary programs or apps running in the background. Consider disconnecting any extra devices from your wifi.
  • Let your host know if you're having technical difficulties. Since they may or may not be able to assist you, have the support website for your meeting-app-of-choice easily available for troubleshooting on your own:

Set-Up Considerations:

  • Face into a light-source, or position it so that it's at a 45-degree angle to you/your camera -- this is considered your "key light." Any light-sources behind you need to be less bright. Natural sunlight is considered the best, if available.
  • Face your camera head-on, ensuring you are centered with your head, neck, and shoulders visible.
  • Be mindful of your camera positioning.
  • Be mindful of your wardrobe. 
  • Yes, these two points are tied together. 
  • No, you don't want to know why.
  • Have a designated space for your meetings, if possible. It doesn't have to be fancy, but it gives you a place to keep supplies at-hand so you're not searching for them mid-meeting. It's also great for consistency and in telling our brains and bodies, "We are in work-/school-mode, now. It's time to focus."
  • Ensure you have a distraction-free background since some classes won't allow you to use filters or blurring.
  • Be able to sit-up straight and take notes. This shows respect to your instructor and fellow classmates; instructors appreciate you for setting a good, professional example to others.

During Your Meeting or Class:

  • If your meeting is being recorded, you cannot have any people enter your camera's line-of-sight -- they have not consented to being recorded.
  • Tell your housemates to leave you alone. This includes your pets. It's okay if they're laying quietly in the background; it's not okay if they're distracting you or the people watching you.
  • If your human housemates can read and still won't leave you alone, holding up a sign that says "GO AWAY" can work wonders. For human housemates who can't read, consider hand signals -- with varying degrees of politeness.
  • Refrain from eating or chewing gum. It is considered poor etiquette.
  • Consider leaving the meeting and rejoining if you receive a phone call, someone arrives at your door, or some other unexpected event pulls you away.
  • Do you struggle to focus while listening to information? Have tools within reach to keep your hands occupied, such as doodling in the margins of your notes or using a fidget (or three). Ideally, have resources available that will help to support your learning of the material being discussed.

Should You Be Online?

  • If you can't fully focus on your class or meeting (i.e. you're trying to play videogames, watching or listening to other media, or otherwise multitask), then no, you should not participate.
  • If you're too ill or in too much pain to sit up, then you are not able to participate and you're unlikely to retain new information.
  • If you are driving -- and your meeting requires you to be on-camera and actively participating -- then, no, you should not be online. If you're allowed to listen, please consider using a hands-free device and ensure your microphone is muted.
  • If you or a loved one are in the hospital or attending some other appointment, please do not attempt to participate.
  • If you have family and friends who cannot respect your boundaries around online classes and meetings -- and/or you do not feel empowered to enforce these boundaries -- then it may be time to sit down and reconsider what you're trying to accomplish and why. Have tough conversations. Delegate responsibilities. Consider finding a space outside of your home that will better accommodate your needs. 

I hope that these tips will help you to improve your online learning and networking experiences!

Friday, August 23, 2024

[Reblog] "How to Charge For Your Work Without Feeling Icky" by Leonie Dawson

When my students struggle with accepting money for their work, I like to share this story and quote from Leonie Dawson and her mentor --

“You must charge for your art. In everything – everything – there needs to be an exchange of energy. An equal one.

One that fills me up. One that fills you up.

If I give you a massage that nourishes and sustains and relaxes you, I ask you for money to nourish and sustain my life too. We must both be involved in the exchange, otherwise it is one-sided. We must both be invested, so we both receive value.

If I do not allow you to pay money for my service, I do a disservice to myself, but also to you. You must contribute too, in order to be fulfilled. You will value the things you pay for more.

And my life will be better because I have helped your life be better. And your life will be better, because you have helped my life be better too. If you choose to ignore this exchange, you are doing both of you a great disservice.

Everything – everything – must be an equal exchange of energy. It is sacred. Money is the manifestation of energy. Money is sacred too.”

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Notes on Oncology Massage (In No Particular Order)

"Cancer treatment, like a lot of things, is not so much about decisions as it is about trade-offs." - Hank Green

This is by no means an exhaustive list and is likely to be added to, later. 

  • "First, do no harm."
    • All sessions should be approved by a doctor and/or surgeon prior to treatment.
    • Understand the risks and contraindications -- recognize that oncology massage is a whole different breed of massage therapy.
    • Touch is never contraindicated. Remember that touch is vital for mental, emotional, and physical health, and we want to use touch as safely, effectively, and ethically as possible. Focus on what we can do, and trust that it will be more than enough to make a difference.
    • Slow down, be still, be soft. Maintain a quality of contact that isn't tentative or feathery.
    • Massage is generally okay 6- to 8-weeks post-surgery, so long as any drains, ports, and irritated/healing areas of skin are avoided. This is also dependent on the client's medications, including any active drug or cancer treatments (extended or trials).
    • Do not add to the body's "To Do" list.
    • Do not use pressure over a tumor site or area of active cancer.
    • Avoid joint movements that would affect a tumor site or area of active cancer.
    • If the exact location of the cancer is currently unknown, avoid all pressure everywhere. Static Level 1 pressure only.
    • If there is active lymphedema, refer out. Seek additional training.
  • Massage -- often including the anticipation of receiving a massage and the environment in which massage is often performed -- triggers the parasympathetic response (rest & digest), providing relaxation and allowing for healing.
    • Chronic inflammation and chronic stress are risk factors for developing cancer.
    • Medical treatment can be traumatizing.
    • Through massage, endorphins are released which can help to fortify the immune system. The vagus nerve, especially, contributes to anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting actions.
  • Sometimes, oncology massage is simply about Presence -- providing affirmations, love, increasing feelings of well-being, and helping to empower the caregivers by educating them on what they can do.
  • The lymphatic system is directly tied into the cardiovascular and immune systems. Many lymphatic structures have valves and smooth muscle tissue to support their function. When the lymphatic system becomes compromised, so too does oxygen delivery to and waste pick-up from tissues throughout the body. This can affect blood pressure and create swelling.
    • The Right Lymphatic Duct receives lymph fluid from the right-side of the head, neck, arm, and upper chest quadrant. This fluid is then fed into the Internal Jugular Vein.
    • The Larger Lymphatic Duct (or Thoracic Duct) receives lymph fluid from literally everywhere else. The fluid is then fed into the Subclavian Vein.
    • "Mucus membranes" actually have lymphoid tissues (and lymphocytes -- immune cells) to try and stop pathogens from entering the body.
    • Lymphatic Watersheds represent linear areas on the skin that separate territories from each other and contain relatively few lymph collectors.
    • Lymphedema can, unfortunately, occur in the trunk of the body ("truncal lymphedema").
    • Regardless of diagnosis, it's important to ask: "Is the lymphatic system functioning as normal or is it compromised? Has it been exposed to radiation?" If one or more lymph nodes have been damaged or removed, the client is at risk of lymphedema.
  • Cancer cells replicate rapidly, much like bone marrow cells, hair follicles, and cells in the mouth.
  • Chemotherapy and other cancer drugs target the growth and division mechanisms of cells -- the molecular systems and processes. At this time, these treatments can and will affect healthy cells of the entire body, but research is working to fine-tune the targeting so that the specific cancer cells take a greater hit than the beneficial cells.

“You always have to keep in the back of your mind exactly what your intent is with this person. And the intent for doing massage with cancer is not to heal them or cure them; the intent is to touch them with love and to provide as much quality of life as you can without doing any harm.”

– Cheryl Chapman, via “Massage and the Cancer Patient” by Kieran McConnellogue, Massage & Bodywork magazine, December/January 2000

Important (re)Sources:

ABMP Continuing Education Classes:

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

5 Reasons Why Massage Therapy School Might Not Be For You

You're squeamish.

Bodies are weird. If the sight and sound of someone cracking their neck sets you off, images of cadaver dissections gross you out, you swoon at the sight of blood, or any other bodily fluids and functions make you want to vomit -- this might not be the best career for you. 

You lack reliable transportation.

Some massage therapy programs are hours-based, so every minute has to be accounted for. You need to be able to get to school on time; if not, how are you going to show up to your future jobs on time? You can't rely on your clients to be understanding 100% of the time.

You're unable or unwilling to practice outside of school -- including asking friends, family, and acquaintances if they would like a free session.

If you can't give the work away for free, how are you going to market it and get paid for it? It also comes down to the quantity of sessions you give -- the quality will improve later. Sleeping with a textbook under your pillow will not, in fact, increase your knowledge by osmosis. You have to physically put your hands on people to develop your skills. 

You have significant physical disadvantages or health concerns that make giving and receiving massage difficult and/or inadvisable.

Giving a massage is physically demanding. You need to be able to stand, lunge, lean, squat, and lift -- and a lot of this movement comes from having strength in your knees, thighs, and core. If you have cardiovascular, nervous system, or liver or kidney disorders, receiving massage may be contraindicated (that is, "a bad idea") for you.

You're unable or unwilling to clean, follow rules and regulations, and/or otherwise be professional.

Your caregivers are not going to be following behind you during school or at work to make sure your space is clean. During your training, you will have opportunities to learn skills such as laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, and keeping a bathroom and other surfaces clean. Sanitation, infection control, and universal precautions are especially important considering our close-contact with complete strangers. You will be given specific expectations and guidelines to abide by that are often meant to prepare you for work after graduation; some rules and regulations are state-mandated, while others are in place to qualify you and your school to receive federal financial aid. Finally, you're going to need to be polite, civil, and a generally pleasant individual to work with. These are skills you will be able to develop and practice during school, but it's preferrable that you have some familiarity with them beforehand.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Bodywork Content & Journaling Prompts

Post-It Note labeled Short Video Ideas with a list of suggestions as written below.
A partial list that I developed in a flash of inspiration.

  • Why did you choose your program/modality? (i.e. Therapeutic/deep tissue, craniosacral, Polarity therapy, Thai massage, ashiatsu, etc.)
  • Who do you want to work with and why? What are some specific benefits you and your services can provide to these people?
  • Explain a specific pathology and how your techniques of choice can help.
  • What has been your most profound bodywork experience, either as a client or as a practitioner?
  • Demonstrate a self-care technique such as a stretch or tool (i.e. a tennis ball in a sock, a foam roller, etc.). Consider accessibility options for the visually and hearing impaired.
  • What skills or modalities have you enjoyed learning and applying the most?
  • Describe your bodywork style -- flowy, relaxation/spa environment? problem-solving? deep, intense work?
  • If you could take your bodywork anywhere in the world, where would you like to go? (Or, where would you most like to receive bodywork?)
  • Where is your favorite vacation spot?
  • What is the funniest thing that has happened during your training or during a session?
  • What is the best advice you have ever been given?
  • Talk about your favorite product and why.
  • If a year from now, you won the lottery and received $25 million (after taxes), what would you do differently? Continue working? Take time off? Retire?

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Highlights from "The Role of Fascia in Movement and Function"

"The Role of Fascia in Movement and Function" by Christopher Daprato and Kenneth Leung, representing the UCSF Department of Physical Therapy. Footage is provided by the University of California Television (UCTV), recorded May 9, 2017, during an event titled: "Move Better, Feel Better: What Can Physical Therapy Do For You?" 

There is a lot of good, useful information. However, the full recording is over 80-minutes long (1:21:34) including a Q&A portion, and is more easily digested in smaller chunks. As the video description points out, "Knowledge about health and medicine is constantly evolving. This information may become out of date."

Time Stamps:

YouTube Clips (<60 seconds each):

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Professional Licensing, Public Records, & Disciplinary Actions

I've now been through 10 renewal cycles with my massage license. If I could go back and change one thing on my initial application, I wouldn't have taken "Full Name" so literally and I would have left my middle name out. (It's nothing too terrible, but not something I'd usually share with the general public.)

One thing that might surprise you is that, with the exception of your social security number and credit card information, the information submitted is *not* confidential.

Per the current individual license application:
"PUBLIC RECORD:  This application is a public record for purposes of the Maine Freedom of Access Law (1 MRSA §401 et seq).  Public records must be made available to any person upon request.  This application for licensure is a public record and information supplied as part of the application (other than social security number and credit card information) is public information.  Other licensing records to which this information may later be transferred will also be considered public records.  Names, license numbers and mailing addresses listed on or submitted as part of this application will be available to the public and may be posted on our website. 

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER:  The following statement is made pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (§7(B)).  Disclosure of your Social Security Number Is mandatory.  Solicitation of your Social Security Number is solely for tax administration purposes, pursuant to 35 MRSA §175 as authorized by the Tax Reform Act of 1975 (42 USC §405(C)(2)(C)(1)).  Your Social Security Number will be disclosed to the State Tax Assessor or an authorized agent for use in determining filing obligations and tax liability pursuant to Title 36 of the Maine Revised Statutes.  No further use will be made of your Social Security Number and it shall be treated as confidential tax information pursuant to 36 MRSA §191."
Upon your application being approved, your name (whatever and however you write it on the application), your mailing address's city/state/zip code, and your phone number may become accessible to the public. Your listing will also include your state professional license number, status (usually Active or Failed to Renew), expiration date, and how you received your license (schooling, etc). 

Massage therapy as a licensed profession in Maine falls under the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation's Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation:

"The Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation (OPOR) and its licensing boards and programs are established for the sole purpose of protecting the public by licensing qualified individuals in each professional area and by imposing discipline on licensed individuals and entities to prevent harm to the public."
The direct link to the Massage Therapy Licensure office is here:
"Massage Therapy Licensure was established to provide for the regulation of persons offering massage therapy services, in order to safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare, and to protect the public from incompetent and unauthorized persons in the State of Maine.

The primary responsibilities of the Office is to review and approve qualified applicants for licensure as a licensed massage therapists[sic], to promulgate rules as necessary, to investigate complaints, and to take appropriate disciplinary action for noncompliance with current laws and rules."
The office's website provides a handful of useful links and resources for both practitioners and consumers. The general public is able to search for individuals, companies, disciplinary actions, courses, and course providers here: 

Ideally, the database would only ever need to be used to verify licensure.

Yours truly, however, is a nosy, curious person.

I have used the "Search Disciplinary Actions" feature to explore what sorts of cases have come up over the last few years. I was unsurprised but still disappointed that there were, indeed, cases of alleged misconduct on the part of licensed massage therapists. Another interesting incidence involved therapists not disclosing they had convictions prior to applying for licensure, or they had been convicted of misdemeanors while holding a professional license -- even if the misdemeanor had nothing to do with their profession. Such misdemeanors may include: driving with a suspended license, disorderly conduct, theft under $1,000, assault, and operating under the influence. 

In exploring the related rules and regulations, I learned that if you are ever convicted of a misdemeanor, you must report the conviction to your professional licensing board within 10 days of the conviction

Some consequences include fines, license probation, and license suspension. Some cases are consent agreements between the State and the massage therapist regarding probationary actions. Others include highly detailed accounts of evidence and testimonies given at adjudicatory hearings. 

And, friends, some of these details and pieces of evidence come from text messages and conversations within the therapist's office. They come from therapists failing to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, including avoiding dual-relationships. Draping -- respecting a client's need for privacy, modesty, security, and emotional expression -- must be impeccable at all times. Detailed intake forms, SOAP notes, and incident reports need to be created, taken, and kept secure.

Finally, we need to hold each other accountable.

If ever you meet a practitioner who doesn't abide by these ethical ideals and it can't be resolved with a polite conversation, you have a moral obligation to report them to their licensing board. If you can't do it for your own sake, then do it to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the rest of the public.

Ignorance of the Laws & Rules is no excuse. Blaming emotional and physical isolation due to the pandemic is no excuse. Pointing fingers like a schoolkid, saying, "But they're doing it and they're not in trouble!" is no excuse.

Protect your integrity and reputation -- for both your sake and the sake of our industry. Be lawful, ethical, and professional in order to be successful. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Professional Writing Advice

Sandy beach with crashing waves; the phrase "Omit needless words." in white text, credited to William Strunk, Jr., in a brown text box below it and a watermark for QuoteFancy.

Omit needless words.

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell.

Strunk, William. Elements of Style. Ithaca, N.Y.: Priv. print. [Geneva, N.Y.: Press of W. F. Humphrey], 1918;, 1999. May 26, 2022.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

"Help! My body hurts! What do I do?"

As students begin learning and practicing bodywork, they begin to notice aches and pains in their own bodies. Remember that we are using our muscles and joints in different and perhaps newly repetitive ways. You are working to gain strength and stamina, and to develop muscle memory. 

Here's the run-down of my usual advice:

- Check-in with your medical providers. I went to a chiropractor for the first time after I graduated from massage school. I had to relearn how to move my newly adjusted body. You may want to discuss aches and pains with your general practitioner, an osteopath, or a physical therapist. If you have an acute injury in Southern Maine, check out OrthoAccess's walk-in clinics.

- Get professional bodywork sessions. Receiving work from classmates and other students is great, in a pinch. Graduates and folks that have been practicing for years may help to target and treat your pain faster and give you better advice for self-care.

- Do other physical activities. You might consider adding strength training, yoga, or other practices to improve your physical health and flexibility.

- Use over-the-counter medications and products as directed by a medical professional. Biofreeze, IcyHot, Tigerbalm, CBD, and arnica-infused products can help with some swelling and pain, and many of them are commercially or locally available.

- Remember the Rule of RICE:
  • Rest: Sometimes the best way to alleviate your aches and pains is to limit or stop doing the activities that triggered them in the first place. That doesn't mean stopping them forever -- it means giving your body time to recover and heal in-between sessions.
  • Ice: One of the best ways to treat inflammation, reduce blood-flow to an area, and reduce nerve impulses. Can use from 10- to 20-minutes at a time; wrap in a towel to prevent frostbite. If your aches and pains are in your arms and hands, run them under cold water for up to a minute.
  • Compression: Braces and wrappings are also helpful for reducing inflammation.
  • Elevation: Keep excess fluids close to your trunk, not in your extremities.  
- Once the acute inflammation is reduced, add heat. Alternating cold-heat-cold therapies helps to create a sort of "pump" through vasoconstriction and vasodilation. This helps with controlling blood-flow to the area and aids in healing.

- Self-massage and other household tools. Grab a tennis or lacrosse ball and lean into it against a wall or the floor. Put it in a tube sock for greater control. Purchase knobbers or find yourself a few good stones to target knots and trigger points in your hands and arms. Foam rollers and other devices can be good for legs, thighs, and spines. 

- Use a combination of the above suggestions. As someone who lives with chronic pain (not related to my career), using only one or two methods usually doesn't cut it. If I fall behind in using two or more of these strategies consistently, it can take a lot of effort to get back out of a pain spiral.

Take it easy on yourself. Don't give up. You will get there!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Massage & COVID-19: What Now?

Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

I have a lot of strong feelings that are difficult for me to put into words. So much of this experience -- rooted in grief and trauma -- has been subjective, making it difficult (impossible, really) for each of us to remain objective.

I can't dictate what you should do. I can only present tools, opportunities, and resources so that you can decide what is best for you.

If nothing else, I implore you:

Make decisions not from a place of fear and anger, but with an informed, educated understanding.

Resources I've Collected:
Big Names in the Massage Industry That I Respect and Listen To:
  • Tracy Walton: "Since 1998, she has developed, taught, and continually updated Oncology Massage Therapy: Caring for Clients with Cancer. ... For over 13 years, Tracy taught physiology and pathology at the Muscular Therapy Institute (now Cortiva Institute – Boston) where she also served as Academic Dean and Chair of the Science Department."
  • Ruth Werner: author of six editions of A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, from 1998 until now; writer for Massage and Bodywork Magazine with her column "Pathology Perspectives;" past president of the Massage Therapy Foundation.
  • Til Luchau: "With a diverse background that includes manual therapy, somatic psychology, transformative education, as well as organizational and leadership development, Til's ability to connect interdisciplinary, big-picture ideas to practical, real-world applications has made his talks, trainings, and events popular worldwide."
  • Whitney Lowe: "Lowe’s been in the profession for over 30 years. He is the author of the profession’s first accessible assessment text, 'Orthopedic Assessment in Massage Therapy.' ... He is a member of the editorial advisory board of the 'Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies,' and is a regularly featured author in publications such as Massage & Bodywork, Massage Today, and Massage Magazine."
  • Diana Thompson: a licensed massage therapist for 30 years, specializing in post-operative care; author of "Hands Heal: Communication, Documentation and Insurance Billing for Manual Therapists," now in its fourth edition; a past president of the Massage Therapy Foundation, a philanthropic non-profit organization whose mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of massage therapy by supporting scientific research, education, and community service.